Friday 8 January 2016

New Year.. New Jewellery!

                                                                       Picture copy right to Gemporia.

Hello tinker-Bella's!

Hope you all had a lovely New Years filled with love, laughter and drunkenness!.

I spent my New Years with my partner and his family having a lovely celebratory meal and lots and lots of drinking.. (Mainly gin and tonic!).

As its new year, it's always nice to update your clothing, make up or even jewellery!.

When I was browsing the t-Internet to look for some little sparkle I came across Gemporia Jewellery and I was blown away by the amount of products that was on there!.

 Lovely sparkle at an amazing affordable price?!

Here are my top 5 favourites from :

The reasons for choosing these beautiful pieces from Gemporia is because of there unique style and classy look. I've always preferred Jewellery to have class and sparkle but can be dressed both casual and going out.

What do you think?

Check out with a current 10% sale!




  1. These are beautiful picks! I'm in love with the 'spirit' leaf ring - it's so gorgeous!

    Hana | ♥

  2. I'm not a huge Jewelry wearer but things with a nature theme really appeal to me! These rings are really pretty - I'll check out the site <3

    Gisforgingers xx


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