Monday 28 December 2015

Yummy Christmas Delights

Hello Bellas!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas And Santa gave you everything you wanted.
I had been good this year so I was very spoilt by family and friends and of course... Santa himself.
So after all the singing, the cheering, the partying and a lot of yummy food and Mulled wine I thought I would write a little Quick and easy mince pie recipe post for you all.
when I say quick... it literally took me 20 minutes! Ha ha. (Little bit of cheating goes a long way too).

Here is the recipe, links and method below. So lets get started ..

A big jar of mince meat (Your choice of flavour)
- Ready made shortbread pastry cases
- Orange zest
-Vanilla sugar or essence
- Cinnamon
-Icing sugar

Seeing as everything is all pretty much pre-made and in jars and cases I thought I would add my own little touch!.
I emptied the jar of mincemeat into a bowl shaving a whole orange zest, adding 1 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon, and 2 table spoons of vanilla sugar or essence. You can also add extra toppings such as choice of nuts, lemon zest or a dash of orange juice. After adding the ingredients into a bowel I mixed the lovely mixture. Once all mixed i placed the ready made shortbread pastry cases into the tray and added in the mixture which just reached the top. Once filled I added the ready made short bread cut out stars and sprinkled vanilla sugar on top.
Heat your oven to 160 degree and place them to bake for approx 10 minutes.. once baked add your icing sugar to give it that lovely touch and wallah! lovely mince pies... and I must say .. they are the best minced pies I have tasted ( I am not just saying it either).

Hope you all have a lovely new year and I will be posting another blog soon! :)

All my love



  1. These look amazing! x

    Cait //

  2. These sound so delicious. I'm going to have to try this recipe!

    S .x


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