Tuesday 19 January 2016

My all time fav Butternut Squash Soup!

Hello lovelies!.

As you all know I suffer from IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome). Knowing that the foods I crave for junk, chocolate .. maybe a nice cappuccino all affect my stomach all due to the preservatives added in the food.

So I created a full filling soup that was both spicy but sweet yet satisfying and didn't react with me.
This soup is all homemade from scratch and can last up to a few days so it will never go to waste.

so here is my secret recipe that I will share with you all:

- 1 Butternut squash
- tea spoon of chil
- teaspoon of salt and pepper (or as much as you want)
-1 onion
-4 small carrots
-1 sliced red pepper
- 100ml of orange lentils
-3 celery sticks
- 1 cube of chicken stock
- 250 ml of water

Firstly dice your onion and lightly fry them with spray light or 1 tablespoon of veg oil  until soft then cut up all your veggies into thin slices and fry off your veggies on a low heat until soft again.
Once you've fried your veggies then add your lentils that have been washed into the pan and fry them for approx 2 minutes then adding your boiling hot 250 ml of water in the pan and adding your chicken stock. whilst simmering you may add as much chili  and salt as pepper to your taste.
Once you have simmered your vegetables for 10 minutes there should be about 100ml of water left in your pan. once its at this consistency turn off your pan and leave to cool down and then blend all your vegetables in a blender until smooth.

you may add single cream and parsley for decor.

What did you think?
send me a tweet if you get chance to make it !



  1. Looks yummy...I will try it ;)


  2. Added the ingredients onto this weeks shopping list!! Just started yet another diet, so thanks for the lovely idea!!



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