Monday 11 May 2015

Lifestyle: Vlogging

Hello Guys!,
So I have been wondering where i can start with my blog as I'm all new to this blogging world and its so exciting. Its time to be creative and be able to connect with you guys and give you my honest opinions on latest trends, Cosmetics and general places which are nice to visit such as restaurants, bars. So i thought the best option to connect with you all not only by blogger and social media but to start vlogging and I have no idea where to start. I think for the next couple of weeks ill be just doing basic make up tutorials and hopefully come out of my comfort zone and let my personality shine through.. As we all know ill be a little (allot) camera shy! but who isn't ?, Its pretty scary at first ha ha.

It would be a massive help if any of you Vloggers would give me a helping hand of advice of how to be confident in front of the camera and maybe what sort of videos the audience are loving at the moment?,
I know my favourite is definitely Make up vlogs! I will literally sit there most nights on my sofa with my fur blanket and a brew, trying to pick on the latest make up tips!.

But honestly guys.. If anyone wants to get in touch with me for any videos they would like me to do such as beauty, fashion hauls please get in touch! and advice would be nice to :)!


1 comment

  1. I just started blogging too. I enjoy the posts you have up so far. Keep it up and good luck!

    xoxo Emily


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