Wednesday 16 September 2015

Alternatives to Real Technique brushes

Hello guys!

Here is the long and awaited post,...My alternatives to Real Techniques.
I was greeted by a lovely wrapped parcel that was delivered to my doorstep the other day which I was ridiculously ecstatic about as any woman is when goodies arrive at the front door :), after opening the package with a huge abundance of excitement, inside were the most beautiful flawless bunch of brushes, all delicate and expert evenly cut. (Jaw drop moment)

The brushes were sent by to me via The website is full of beautiful cosmetics, jewellery and clothing! all at an amazing affordable price and free shipping worldwide?!.. Whats not to love?. 
The brushes themselves are super soft and adapt perfectly to any foundation to give a flawless definition when buffed into the skin! (NO streaks!) woohoo.

Each brush style can be used for all different types of techniques, for example; the slightly slanted brush I've been using to lightly contour my cheek bones, as apposed to the more dense and firm brush I would use more for buffing in any products such as my base/primer and foundation.

Honestly guys! It is a must have. 
I've reviewed other brushes before ...but nothing compares to these bad boys ;), the brushes are super easy to clean also the bristles flex back to their natural state even after a few applications of product.
These brushes are a fantastic alternative to any real technique brush range,
the only thing I found quite difficult was how wide the brushes are ...but I have tiny hands :D! other than that they are absolutely out of this world, I highly recommend these.
You can acquire 5 unique brushes for the low price of $14.99! Absolute bargain.
Here is the link to the pack of gold and black detailed Makeup Brushes
You can also get a further 10% of everything at bornpretty store by adding the code LIZZH10 at checkout!.

Hope you all enjoyed my review, you can keep upto date on all the latest trending items right here!

What are your favourite alternatives?

Tell me what you think .. Tweet @lizziedavies95

Peace bella's x



  1. These look high quality with a great price! Thanks for sharing. Charlotte

  2. Hello Charlotte!, they are honestly amazing! super soft brushes aswell :), give them a try and tell me what you think!
    speak soon x x

  3. Hi Lizzie! Loving this post, now I need all these brushes! I have also nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    xo Tiffany |

    1. Glad you enjoyed my post hun!. Ill make sure to do the Liebster Award Thank You for the nomination :)!

      speak soon x x


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